I finally got the motivation to kick over into weight loss mode--I saw the publicity shots for my play and boy-o-boy do I look big--even my calves looked puffy and fat--blechh. and the boobage ( 34 triple D)--turns out there such a thing as too much of a good thing
Ive had three weeks of clean--but " normal " low carbing-with lots of low carb goodies and LOTS of dairy and lost exactly one pound the first week and have been toatally stabel at that weight (130.8)
so i'm now--third day in--doing a nearly zero carb, all meat, no dairy, limited nuts.
Having my favorite breakfast today: 2 eggs fried in butter over easy served on sliced tomatoes with a healthy squeeze of lemon juice. and bacon lotsa bacon!!!!!!
the reasoning behind all this is that it isn't calorie and it isn't even carbs so much but that some kind of inflamation thingy is going on ( age/menopause/heredity) since inflamation is driven by the eicosonoid balance and THAT is driven by essential fatty acid balance-- i.e omega 6to omegas 3's. Omega 6 fatty acids drive inflamation up and omega's 3's drive it down --too much omega six relative to 3 is a very bad thing--(ideal ratio is 1:1--or as close as possible 3:1 or 4:1 being feasible)or at the and our standard indutrial diet has way too much omega 6--veg oils, grains and grain fed cattle and dairy cows all have an overabundance of omega 6 and unless we supplement we get little to no omega three ( some have suggested that the ratio in the standard american diet is closer to 20:1!!!!!!!)
to acheive that ratio you need to eliminate as many sources of omega 6 as possible and up the 3's so-- we eat grass fed meat,which is also organic hormone free ( and has a much much better fatty acid ratio than grain fed beef) use no veg oil except olive oil--all other fats are butter and ghee, lard or palm oil. and supplement with cod liver oil to up the omega.3's
but I still am having difficulty--retaining water, inability to get to a normal weight etc etc so..
the dairy goes--we don't have a source of affordable organic, raw dairy from pastured, grass fed cows dairy, so there is a lot that could be wrong with the cream and cheese I normally eat ( and goat is absolutly not a possibilty, blech again)
and the nuts will be limited because most nuts are pretty high in omega 6 which i just don't need more of right now and I'm upping my cod liver oil as well.
and I'm going way way down on the carbs--little to no fruit except berries and a few veg with my meat .
I'm down almonst a pound in two days--I'm might be on to something!