Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I bought  a bike yesterday!!!!!

I just finished ready a wonderful ( though scary in a way) book called "younger next year, for women" about the need to exercise 6 days a week keep telling your cells that you are alive and want to stay that way!

 SIX DAYS A WEEK!!!... 4 days of doing something for 45min to an hour ( thats minimum you can go longer if you can and want to)  that makes you sweat ( Zumba would qualify wouldn't it Annie?  I may look for a class here!!!), and 2 days lifting weights.

the four days should mix it up and be something you like--so some days a walk or a hike, some days an aerobics class, or an evening square dancing or....whatever.   hence the bike!

I've always liked the IDEA of bike riding- zooming around in the beauty of nature etc etc but usually hated the real deal--because I was so uncomfortable the whole time.  WELL.. found out yesterday I have never ridden  a bike that FITS me!! (  plus--ridden what they call a "comfort" bike--with the handle bars much HIGHER than the seat so you just sit up straight and don't have to lean over and put pressure on your back and shoulders ( not to mention those oh-so-delicate lady parts)  I am  so not interested in acheiving aerodynamic posture of a racer to gain a half second on one's opponent!!!LOL  I just wanna have fu-un!

I also joined  the rec center...2 miles tops from my house ( so I can bike there!) with a nice weight room and an indoor pool.

of course--I was gonna take my first bike ride this morning and it's cold and threatening rain!  so should I go swim or lift instead? hmmm


Gusti said...

you go girl, and I'll be waiting to hear how it all works out!

Annie Leavitt said...

zumba totally counts!

wouldn't it be awesome if all women exercised 6 days a week? what a difference it would make just in our attitudes alone.

good luck! so excited for you.