Sunday, February 1, 2009

No change in weight this morning--to be expected I think after the flurry over the past few days!

However I did indulge a bit yesterday--I had 3 squares of real chocolate--75% cocoa--only 3 carbs total and maybe 75 calories--but also added a tablespoon of cream to my tea ( we were on a date to a coffee shop where one of our favorite groups "Sharife" was playing; they do middle Eastern music--very nice, hence the treat) also had a couple of the tiny bread sticks that are allowed on my plan. Again minimal carbs and calories, but then it all starts to add up, doesn't it? So maybe that did it--or maybe my body just taking a little rest and regrouping today. Whatever it is, I'll be back to very strict again today anyway.

I seem to be extremely sensitive to both extra carbs and extra calories , though, ( not just from this experience, but cumulatively over the past several years) so I do need to be very strict to lose.


Danna Banana said...

HI Aunt Debbie! FRom what I have read it is a monumental task to get our bodies to behave after menopause. It is a lifetime commitment to clean eating-exercise-rest and hydration. You are good example to me.
Keep up the good fight.

BTW. Are you doing the Body For Life lifting schedule?? Sounded a little like it. I have tried competing a few times and never got through the whole contest. I would really like to finish one day.

Deborah said...

I did body for life--one 12 week cycle--lost ZERO pounds but several inches. Not enough though--this was before I got my thyroid "fixed". I think its a pretty good plan including the eating plan (UNLESS you are carb intolerant--then its too much carb)

It did get me pretty addicted to lifting though. ( I also had a personal trainer for awhile--to learn the proper form etc.)

Now I basically use a slow burn/super slow lifting plan. One set only, Slow enough and heavy enough to reach muscle failure after 3-4 reps. A whole body workout takes less than 1/2 hour. If I do half at a time it's less than 15 min.--I can work that in! Doing it on the same schedule as the Body-for-Life plan makes sense.

I'm not trying for a body builders physique--just slim and fit.

Quinn said...

SIGH!!! I am with you on the "I need to be very strict to lose." I started Atkins induction phase 4 days ago. It doesn't get much stricter than that! I keep thinking I've done it before, I can do it again, but I think your body tends to get more and more resistant to this phase and it is truly harder and harder to really make it come off. After 2 months of trying to just cut back and not seeing any difference, I decided it was time to take to more drastic measures (got a wedding coming up and need to fit in something!) I enjoy reading your blogs about this all. Going to try to excercise and get more than 4 hours of sleep now so bye.