So..this summer has been All About the garden- landscaping and planting etc etc. (more to come on all that) but wanted to show a bit of the fruits of my labor. This was the harvest yesterday. That is a BIG pile of Swiss Chard. Luckily it is one of my favorites...just steamed up and served with lots of butter and a dash of vinegar--like ambrosia to me! its also fabulous in a quiche. which is what I'm making for dinner today!

Patience came over with Bailey and Lennon and brought me another bucket of peaches from her tree--so that had to be dealt with immediately as they were dead ripe.

That's seven jars of peaches and some peach/plum jam--all sweetened with splenda instead of sugar of course. In total now I have 14 quarts of peaches from Pace's tree and 6 pints from my tree, plus the jam. That should be enough to last the winter I think!
1 comment:
Hi Mom,
Nice looking blog! I'll try to get around to doing one myself. But don't hold your breath.
Could you put up links to Kylee's and Gusti's blogs? I didn't even know they had them.
Congrats on the garden haul. Our tomatoes have done well and we got a couple of nice squash. We also got tons of nice basil but everything else tanked. Still, not bad for our first garden.
Talk to you soon!
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