Thursday, September 11, 2008


So I guess the best way to start is just to start! I so enjoy Kylee's and Gusti's blogs that I'm going to be an example to MY kids by doing one myself. It is such a fabulous way to stay up to date. and easy,compared to other methods,--at least given the number of folks in our immediate family.! Ashley will REALLY appreciate any that get posted as well

I'm going to try and get lots of pictures on here, of the garden and the Dome and also of my Art Dolls as I get them done.
Since I do so much cooking and low carb baking I'll probably share some of my recipes and probably my thoughts on health and eating as well--so brace yourselves guys! it's MY blog!

1 comment:

Quinn said...

Welcome to blogging Deborah! I clicked on Pace's link and read you first entries and as Gusti has shown and told me, one of the funnest parts is getting comments. Yeah for Splenda and Yeah for Low Carb! I am a fan, so keep the recipes coming. I've been waiting for years for your Splenda cookbook to reach my ears. LOVE your blog name too. If you're interested... http// I just started too (last week) but I keep reading everyone elses and haven't posted anything more on mine. Gotta go check out Reni's now - got kind of off track. I should be working. 8-)