I made this Santa in honor of my Colorado home. I actually saw a real live Cowboy Santa a number of years ago at a kids activity and it was the inspiration for this guy. I wanted a real cowboy being Santa, not Santa dressed up as a cowboy. Every thing was handmade by me! I made the saddle from raw leather. The hat is leather as are the boots. The shearling jacket is suede and real lambs fur. ( I shaved it down to make it the right depth for the scale. ) you can see in the picture that he has a hand tooled leather belt, studs on his jeans and pearled brass buttons on his shirt. He is about 14 1/2 inches tall.
One of the things I try to achieve in my figures is to capture a moment, and tell a little story. I want them to be beautiful but they have to be much more that a figure just standing there looking pretty. I think I really succeeded with this one!

I love that Santa has blue eyes.
How much does it cost to put these together??
cost depends a lot on differet parameters but I would say between 100 and 200 dollars probably.-- at least to get everything I need some of that would than be available for another doll. but it always seems like there is another thing, paintbrush, paint color, glitter etc. that I need that I don't have LOL
even the clay for the faces is fairly expensive.
a one of a kind art doll like this will sell to a collector for $1000 to $2000 dollars. but you need to get a name and into the right markets. that's what the contest is for.
Hey Deb,
Awsome Santa's!!!
I am sending you an e-mail.
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