Sunday, November 9, 2008

adventures in Fannyland

So I;/m here in Utah at the little red cabin with Reni ans the kids.

you've seen pictures of the baby so I don't need to tell you how pretty he is and , as newborns go, he's a pretty easy one.

we've gotten lots of projects done( Reni painted the bathroom yesterday) but we've also had some mishaps--I mangled the tip of my middle finger on my left hand with a power saw the second day here--so that hurts! gonna be a nice hunk of scar tissue!!! and yesterday I had some kinda stomach bug ( the egg burps YUCH) and Abe has it today. but we've also had some fun

Asher the two year old is as charming as a two year old can be. He talks very well but uses some interesting intitial consonants--mostly f--for a variety of sounds, hence Thaddeus is Faddeus and Grampy is Frampy. So I am Fanny. Makes me laugh.

1 comment:

Kylee said...

Zach cut open his finger while working at Reni's too! Must be bad luck! :)

I don't know what your plans are for the rest of your trip, but let us know if you want to get together while you're here.