on Friday we spent most of the day shopping a driving around in the car. it was a long day for everyone so at some point I started playing twenty questions with the kids--which they loved ( and never want to STOP!!!!) we played for alot of the afternoon--Mostly Kensi and Sa,em of course.
along towar evening I was driving with just the boys in the car-- (Reni and Kensi were t a bridal shower and I was fetching Abe from work so....) Salem and I started a game--the other boys werea lseep--or so we thought.
after a bit Asher pipes up from his seat " I want to do one"
okay I said " do you have an animal in your head?
yes he siad " I have an aminal"
salem asked how may legs does it have
" four" Asher replied ( he'd obvioulsy been listening very carefully all aftrnoon!)
" does it have fur?"
Yes , it has fur" ( pronounced foo)
does it have a trunk?
"no, my aminal doesn't have a frunk"
is it a lion?
"no it is not a yiyon"
I give up, what is it?
"um....a balloon!!!" and then gales of giggles
It deteriorated quickly after that--the next animal had four legs and shoes and socks and ears and a Butt!! oh, and a frunk and a chair-thingy on its bottom. (an elepahnt with shoes and socks sitting in a chair, perhaps?
much laughter and amazement from all. he really is quite the two year old!