My nose:

aA rather longish nose with that kinda flat tip--with or without the dent --is the English nose I'm talking about.
I saw variations all over the place in London when I was there. Witness:

King Charles the 1st of England

his son King Charles the 2nd

Anna Chancellor, modern British Actress (Duck Face in "Four Weddings and a Funeral") here seen in A&E's "Pride and Prejudice".
See!!! an English nose
I like your new background!
Maybe I should have added an eighth weird thing--I like messing around with my blog!!!!
mire pics of the baby please!!!
Thanks, now I "see" what u mean. And yes I love the new background too. Wow a whole post in my behalf, I feel special today :-}
Very intersting! Good luck with your party too.
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