Anyhoo... her are some pics of my HOUSE!
I got very ambitious after the Bedroom got done and fixed a couple of small areas that have been needing attention ( ie were bugging me!)
I did the hall way to the basement first--so here are the before and after pics of that. I don't know how well you can tell from the photo, but the update colors are both faux finishes.
they turned out very nicely and I LOVE that wall now. Before
It also had no finish trim--baseboard or around the door so that got done as well. I'm getting to be a pretty good trim carpenter if I do say so myself!
I also got the curtains on the wall near the couches finished--they were just strips of cloth hooked up and had been that way for several months. Sewed, rehung at the right height and I also changed the color of the wall-- Less aggressive and more elegant. Much better! I had too much " purple and orange; orange and purple" going on. More interesting , better design now.
The next project is moving rooms around.--with some painting going on I'm sure. My craft room is moving down to the basement, Kate is moving into my craft room--she has been such a good sport about living in a tiny space but with this change she'll have a normal size room. the grandkids toy room goes back into the fan room ( where Kate has been) and the workout weight-cage and related equipment moves up to the landing ( out of the space where my craft room is going) where it will be accessible to all for excellent workouts this winter! whew. Did you get all that?
We hope to get that all done before I leave for Utah--where I can apply my excellent skills and well developed muscles to Reni's "little" project. LOL
You just said what I was going to say-you should have lots of chances to apply your trim carpentry and painting skills while you're here! Can't wait to see you. The dome is looking better all the time.
OK, Mom, you're slacking. There's got to be something you can blog about. 2 weeks is a long enough gap.
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