The area with the bridge is directly to the left (and that vine you see in the lower left corner of the picture is pun'kins!) and you are facing west.
This year I had 5 finished 4x8 raised beds.
I grew 5 kinds of tomatoes, cabbage and red cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, swiss chard, beets, onions, zucchini and yellow crookneck squash, cucumbers and radishes. I also have two 10x2 foot rows of raspberries, ( which were fabulous this year), a new strawberry bed ( 5 strawberries so far LOL) a peach tree, a pear tree and one brand new cherry tree ( the second one I planted died)

and will be adding a lot of veggies to the list, as well as growing just MORE of everything. I didn't grow enough to put up tomatoes or pickles this year-- though I did do several quarts of sauerkraut--and I want to add lots of winter squash and melons too. The straw mulch is really helpful--keeping down the weeds and sort of composting from bottom
This view is looking south--the entrance from the previous picture is to the left and center of the space.

One of the things I'm really proud of is finally getting compost heaps working. I have a total of 4 bins--two kinda behind the ones you can see here. and will probably need to add a couple more soon. With all the weeds and garden refuse and leaves--I'm going to have lots of lovely compost to add to the growing beds come spring. and yes it is a lot of work--but what else is an old lady gonna do?
Patience observed recently that growing and producing food really is ( or maybe ought to be ) the job for the grandmothers. When you are in the thick of childbearing/raising, there just isn't enough time--at least not the way we live in our western culture. I think she mentioned this after being up til the wee hours of the morning making peach jam--it was the only time she had to do it! I know I never managed do grow more than a few tomatoes when my kids were small.
Anyway, I'm glad I have the time and resources to do it now. I really love it.
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