Monday, November 24, 2008

Seven weird or Funny things

Okay I'll play

1. To continue Reni's tooth theme--all my teeth--100%--are capped or are bridges, due to a combination of getting hit in the mouth with a fast soft ball at age 12, and a genetic predisposition to decay and gum disease.

2.My nose has a dent in it at the bottom--a very English nose. Seymour thinks it's weird--but HIS nose is a very Jewish nose--total opposites!

3. I am a Christmas FANATIC. I put up my main tree the day after Thanksgiving ( it's artificial), play xmas music 24/ 7 for the whole month. have at least 2 other trees --real, for the smell--and have decorations ( a Christmas village , a miniature carousel, santas etc etc ) pretty much everywhere you look. I watch all the Christmas movies, multiple times. I make special homemade christmastime only food--particularly homemade candy...and it goes on. And now I have Channukah decorations as well. I loooooove the holidays. favorite thing to do is to eat out--preferably at fabulous, one of a kind, creative restaurants. favorite cuisine-rustic fusion. cannot share a meal with me and NOT have the conversation eventually come around to low carb eating and the evils of grain and sugar.

6.I don't like to cook. Everybody thinks I do Because I do it well, but the only thing I really enjoy cooking is desserts and candy. I just really like EATING good food soooo... ( and hence number 4 above)

7. I talk to my cats. A lot. Outloud.

so there.

I tag Ashley, Kylee and Pam Kimball ( I know Pam you don't have a blog yet --so START ONE already!!!)


Gusti said...

Ok, I want a picture of the nose dent thing... that's an english trait? I tease Kali that she has a "butt nose" because she has a line on the underside of her nose, where almost nobody would ever see it, except me. I wonder if you have the same thing, hence I need a photo to compare. And here I've been teasing Kali for years because I had never heard of such a thing.

Pam said...

I don't know when I will ever start a blog, but I love yours. I really do like a lot of the same things you do, especially wonderful weird eating out places, that I don't have to prepare the food. Merry Christmas,love,Pam